Along with a minimalist mindset, nice hangers goes a long way toward making a nursery closet look positively enviable. Pretty hangers needn't break the bank though. Here are two hangers you can buy on Amazon that look great, work well, and are very reasonably priced.
- Velvet Hangers – White ($21.95/50) | Black ($21.95/50)
- Wooden Hangers – Natural ($16.95/10) | White ($15.95/10) + Garment Grips
If you're planning to store multiple sizes in baby's closet at once, you may also want some closet dividers. Etsy has a bunch of great options, including these from maker OrderLee.
Pro Tip 1: Store clothes that are one size too big or too small in a bin in the closet.
Personally, I prefer to hang only clothes in the size baby is currently wearing. I have two bins in the closet, one for the next size up and one for outgrown items. As baby outgrows things in her current size, I place them in the “outgrown items” bin. As baby starts to need the next size, I pull them out from the “next size up” bin and add those items to the closet rotation. That way, the closet's only easily accessible clothing is stuff that fits now.
Pro Tip 2: Only hang the beautiful things you love.
Just hang the things you really want to see on a daily basis. Everyday clothes like onesies, pants, and jammies are best stored in drawers or pull-out bins.